A Message
to Congress

Public Safety Broadband Technology Association

FirstNet Reauthorization - A Message to Congress

With the support of Congress, Public Safety’s vision is now a reality – FirstNet is public safety’s dedicated network operationalizing public safety spectrum to meet public safety needs. In 2012, Congress in a bipartisan effort stipulated in the law that the program must be reauthorized so that they could ensure that it was successful. Today, it has exceeded all expectations. After connecting over 7 million devices and more than 26,000 agencies and organization with over 265 user devices, FirstNet has become the largest and most successful public-private partnership in history that exceeds all expectations without the expenditure of taxpayer dollars.  For this highly successful public private partnership to continue Congress must reauthorize the FirstNet program. To preserve FirstNet’s public safety operation, board, and its independence, we need Congress to take action today and reauthorize FirstNet by simply deleting the date.

Here is how it is Serving Public Safety

  • Millions of first responders use FirstNet.
  • FirstNet’s rapid growth is effectively serving public safety.
  • FirstNet, interoperability solved.
  • Congressional action is needed now to provide certainty and stability for the continued evolution of the FirstNet program.
  • The existing FirstNet program ensures public safety has a direct voice in their network.​ Without timely action, public safety would lose their voice in the FirstNet program.
  • FirstNet solved longstanding interoperability issues.
  • During operationally critical events, FirstNet stands out as the network that provides reliable, dedicated, and prioritized connectivity during emergencies.
  • FirstNet has expanded the reach of wireless infrastructure where public safety needs it – including in underserved communities.
  • All 50 states, DC, and the five U.S. territories chose to opt-into the FirstNet program.
    • This is approx. the size of Texas of the combined area of California, Oregan and Washington
    • Today, FirstNet exceeds commercial wireless coverage by 250,000+ square miles because rural coverage was a central priority for the FirstNet program.
    • FirstNet coverage on tribal lands increased by more than 64% since the build began in 2018. ​

Governance & Oversight Protecting Public Safety

The First Responder Network Authority, or the FirstNet Authority, is an independent agency with a Board of Directors made up of public safety executive and industry experts. As required by law, the FirstNet Authority is housed  within the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) which oversees FirstNet, the nation’s communications network dedicated to emergency responders and the public safety community. Here are key points about FirstNet.

  • FirstNet is a self-sustaining program, requiring no taxpayer dollars.
  • FirstNet is the only network with a plan you can see, with a binding promise, and with public safety oversight. (3Ps)
  • FirstNet works.
    • 7 million users can’t be wrong
    • Unprecedented oversight
    • Various oversight mechanisms ensure continuous program improvements.
  • FirstNet’s contractor is subject to the highest level of review and oversight that no other wireless carrier has.
  • FirstNet’s network has the highest performance requirement that no other wireless carrier provides
  • FirstNet has required no taxpayer investment and is 100% financially self-sustaining through its unique public-private partnership.
  • The FirstNet Authority is investing more than $8 billion in coverage & public safety technology innovation.
    • Constant technology evolution
    • Continuous network enhancements
    • Keep public safety ahead of technology and innovation
  • FirstNet is leading the way in public safety technology

The Most Successful Public – Private Partnership in History

As required by law, the FirstNet Authority engaged in an open and public procurement to identify and select a partner to build and operate FirstNet. After a lengthy process where all wireless carriers were invited to participate in a bid that included several public comment periods and all the wireless carriers provide public comment, AT&T was selected as the network operator.

  • AT&T has exceeded all requirements established by the FirstNet Authority.
    • PLAN – FirstNet has enhanced competition.
      • Today there’s over 865 FirstNet devices to choose from.
      • There are now over 200 apps designed specifically for public safety.
      • All wireless carriers today have special public safety programs.
    • PROMISE – FirstNet now exceeds more coverage than any other cellular network in the nation.
    • PLAN/PROMISE – FirstNet now has over 180 deployable assets, free to FirstNet users
  • AT&T has kept their promises to public safety. Can 7 million connections be wrong?
  • AT&T was the only nationwide carrier to compete for the honor to serve to public safety.

The FirstNet Authority, in partnership with AT&T, have stimulated Innovation and Continuous Network Evolution that public safety has never had.

Reauthorization can’t wait. Why is “early reauthorization” in 2025 needed?

  • Congress should act in 2025 to provide critical certainty and stability to the program
    • Oversight is critical
  • Congressional action is needed now to provide certainty and stability for the continued evolution of the FirstNet program.
    • Unlike a traditional agency reauthorization, the FirstNet Authority would dissolve and cease to operate without congressional action.
  • Failure to reauthorize FirstNet leaves public safety at the whim of business interests and business pressures.
  • Failure to reauthorize FirstNet leaves public safety without a dedicated network.
    • No plan, no promise, and no path forward.

Public safety fought to create FirstNet and will fight to keep the only nationwide network dedicated to public safety

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