Podcast & Webinar Sponsorship

Podcast & Webinar Sponsorship

Podcast & Webinar Benefits

1. The PSBTA manages all logistical aspects of podcasts/webinars

  • Registration
  • Link generation
  • Collateral
  • Platform management

2. The PSBTA manages all web, email, and newsletter distribution

  • Post a press release of All Things FirstNet (ATFN,) All Things Emergency Communications Center (ATECC), and PSBTA
  • Post a banner on PSBTA.org
  • All Things FirstNet (ATFN) will list in the events section
  • Send out an email blast from PSBTA to all contacts in the 2 weeks prior to webinar (or from the time all required materials have been submitted to the PSBTA)
  • Marketing via primary social media outlets

3. Vendor and/or sponsor will market through their owns channel to optimize attendance

4. Sponsors will have their name and logo on all marketing that is hyperlinked the sponsor’s page

5. Real-time Q&A during the live Webinar

6. Any remaining questions upon conclusion of the Webinar will be emailed directly to sponsor for personal response to potential clients.

7. Registration list with contact information will be provided to sponsor

8. Recording of the Podcast/Webinar (link) will be provided to the sponsor and all registrants

9. Webinar will be followed up with brief attendee survey sent from platform

10. Podcasts/Webinars will be online at the PSBTA website for no less than 60 days so that it is available to all member and site visitors.

Total Sponsorship Fee $3,000.00


Podcast/Webinar Planning

1. All Podcast/Webinar Materials (Title, Abstract, Logo(s) Speakers, Bios, Photos, and Seed Questions) are needed 2 weeks minimum prior to webinar for marketing

2. Draft of Final of Webinar Presentations, Handouts, and Survey Questions must be sent in the Friday before the live webinar

3. Podcast/Webinar Practice/Excercise with PSBTA, presenters, and designated representatives if necessary, may occur the Tuesday before the live event

4. Final materials must be sent in by noon PDT the Wednesday before the live Podcast/Webinar

5. Podcast/Webinar reports are sent to designated representative within 24 hours of the live webinar.

6. Post-webinar email to all registrants with survey goes out 1-day post webinar

7. 2nd post-webinar email to all registrants goes out 4 days (Monday) after the live Webinar

8. Survey results are pulled 1 week after the live webinar


“Public Safety Broadband Technology Association Webinars Sponsors”

Sponsor Benefits & Requirements

Learn, Contribute, Engage, & Shape the Future of Public Safety Technology



Learn, Contribute, Engage, & Shape the Future of Public Safety Technology





Operated by
Public Safety 360, LLC


3540 W Sahara Ave. #316
Las Vegas, NV 89102

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