
Public Safety Broadband Technology Association

Reauthorization of the FirstNet Authority

Public Safety’s vision is now a reality – FirstNet is public safety’s network operationalizing public safety spectrum to meet public safety needs. In 2012, Congress stipulated in the law that the program must be reauthorized by congress so that they could ensure that it was successful. After connecting over 6 million devices – 26,000+ agencies and organizations with over 265 user devices, FirstNet has exceeded all expectations.  For this highly successful public-private partnership to continue, Congress must reauthorize the FirstNet program. To preserve FirstNet’s public safety operation, board, and its independence we need your help. Take action today! Sign our petition showing your support for this program.

Here are some key facts about FirstNet

  • FirstNet connects public safety users with new and evolving FirstNet technology
  • FirstNet is public safety’s network.
  • Congress created FirstNet in 2012 following unified advocacy by the public safety associations.
  • As a result of public safety’s leadership, their vision is now a reality.
  • FirstNet today serves more first responders than any other mobility network in the country.
  • FirstNet’s network was designed around the unique needs of public safety.
  • It is purpose-built to meet their unique needs and requirements.

Purpose-Built for America’s First Responders

  • FirstNet – the largest and most successful public-private partnership.
  • FirstNet is not a commercial network. Public safety plays a direct role in governance and decision-making.
  • The FirstNet Authority Board of Directors is wireless veterans and public safety professionals working together.
  • The Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) is comprised of first responders who advise the Board of Directors.
  • FirstNet is built for the needs of public safety, unlike commercial networks.
  • Through FirstNet’s Response Operations Group (ROG), public safety has free access to a nationwide fleet of dedicated deployable assets for disaster response.
  • FirstNet has proven itself because the always-on priority, preemption, and dedicated spectrum provide reliable connectivity to support public safety’s important mission.

Public Safety’s Role in FirstNet Reauthorization

  • Public safety will play a pivotal role in FirstNet reauthorization. Public safety banded together to work with Congress to create FirstNet. It is our network, and public safety must stand together to show congress that FirstNet has become a critical component of our day-to-day and emergency operations. Your voice must be heard by your congressional representative so that they will vote to reauthorize FirstNet.
  • Congress must act now to remove the statutory sunset clause. As noted above, in 2012 Congress stipulated in the law that the program must be reauthorized by congress so that they could ensure that it was successful. Now is the time for FirstNet to be reauthorized. Without your action, the FirstNet Authority will cease to exist in February 2027, leaving millions of users and thousands of agencies without service.

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