Home 5 News 5 Support the reauthorization of the FirstNet Authority to preserve public safety’s network

Support the reauthorization of the FirstNet Authority to preserve public safety’s network


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The mission of the Public Safety Broadband Technology Association is to empower the first responder community by providing them with the tools and resources necessary to participate in the overall success of the network. This includes training a new generation of public safety processionals on the fundamentals of the network by providing access and a platform to trade ideas, innovations, best practices and lessons learned that will lead to smarter and more effective public safety services.

by | Jan 24, 2025 | News, Press Releases

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In 2009, the leadership of the major public safety organizations came together for the first time ever to ask Congress for dedicated spectrum and funds to build out and maintain the first-ever dedicated Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (NPSBN). In 2012, the U.S. Congress allocated 20 MHz of  spectrum (D Block), $7 billion to public safety, and created FirstNet and the governance framework, the FirstNet Authority.

After many successful years of operation and growth, the FirstNet Authority is up for Congressional reauthorization. To ensure public safety has continued and uninterrupted access to the FirstNet network and that first responders’ mission-critical communications remain a priority as capabilities evolve and grow. It is critical that first responders from across the country let Congress know how critical FirstNet is to our first responders. This dedicated broadband network is vital for current and future public safety technologies, and reauthorization ensures that the current 7 million users continue to have access to their network. 

Congress should reauthorize the FirstNet Authority now. 

Sign the Petition:


About the Author



The mission of the Public Safety Broadband Technology Association is to empower the first responder community by providing them with the tools and resources necessary to participate in the overall success of the network. This includes training a new generation of public safety processionals on the fundamentals of the network by providing access and a platform to trade ideas, innovations, best practices and lessons learned that will lead to smarter and more effective public safety services.